My First Blog…

Well, Hello there.  I decided to start 2018 by doing something that I have wanted to do for a few years, create my own blog.  I always knew what I wanted to write about but never seemed to find the time to figure the blogging process out – stay tuned on that!

I’m a designer from Northern California who found myself working outside my field after the recession but still living a life full of color, collecting, crafting and yes, designing.  I live in a smaller house these days and although I adore it I have less room and wall space for a lot of the collecting I have done over the years.  some of what I want to talk about is how that has impacted me – both good and bad including the storage unit I pay for which houses a lot of my treasures and how I plan to deal with that.

I encourage your feedback; I’d love to know about the things you collect or feel passionate about regarding design and how you feel about what you are seeing and reading here.





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